Instinct and photography

I find research to be the silence walking alone in the forest when it comes to any artistic endeavour whether it’s a 10 week campaign or an work all night to finish a piece. Regardless researching to find inspiration and direction can be my favourite part of the process it leads down many rabbit holes and feels wholly personal . It seems all to often people skip the subtle pieces that come together in the making of art. I found photography difficult to grasp in the beginning  it seems to hold a secret in plan sight. How much work went into something to make it feel instinctive, this brings me to this particular photographer Bear Kirkpatrick.

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His work has a distinct feel of primal nature and our relationship to this wild. The figures throughout his work are both forced and guided by these natural landscapes speaking of a relation intimate and deep.

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When i look upon these photo’s i see photography as a way of capturing spirit. Both in the final product and in the searching that would have taken place to create the artwork. It’s inspiring to find work that might actually affect the way i see the nature and the human relation. Though i see sometimes wish these kind of spontaneous act of connection could be common without a photographer.

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